Aries Enjoy Sex

Sex is a playful, joyful (and free!) activity for Aries, and frequent sex is non-negotiable for both genders in a partnership.

Planned Sex is a Big No-No

In all aspects of their lives, including the bedroom, Aries men and women are impulsive, impatient, and spontaneous (in the kitchen, the balcony, or the hotel bathroom).

Aries is a thrill seeker

Doting puppy dog-eyed lovers will bore Aries to tears, whereas Leos enjoy being worshipped.

Don’t expect Aries to ‘connect’ between the covers with you

The more you bond with them outside the bedroom, the more intense the action will be once you’re in there.

Aries tends to rush things

If you’ve ever tried having sex with an Aries by starting with foreplay, you know it only lasts three minutes before they want to get on to the main event.

Shy persons should not apply to be in bed

This is a sign that favors the brave regarding alcohol, lovers, food, and sex.