Lord Shiva: God Of Gods

Shiva is known as omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient and believed to have been living in Mount Kailash. He has control over everything in this world, thus known as the ultimate creator and the ultimate power.


The appearance of Lord Shiva

His body is always covered with ‘vibhuti’, generally known as ‘ash’. His weapon is a Trishul (Trident). He also carries a Damaru with him, which is said to produce the sound of ‘Om’.


Simplicity of Lord Shiva

An interesting fact about Lord Shiva is that he’s never portrayed wearing silk drapes and jewels like other Gods. He never wears a crown, yet he is the ultimate power and God of Gods. This signifies that simplicity outside is power inside. Lord Shiva does not drape himself in silk.


Shiva & Shakti

Shiva additionally assumes a focal part in the lessons of Tantra, by which the connection of Shiva and Shakti addresses the re-establishment of the universe and creation of living beings through the continuous interchange of male-female energy.
