General Predictions 2022

Personal relationships have or will gain balance throughout the year making them stronger and more fulfilling. Investments and businesses that have been on hold for the past years or months will get a strong momentum.


Career Predictions 2022

Business will see growth and renewed energy and there are chances of expansion in different locations for self-employed people and chances of relocation for ones hoping for a new place to work.


Love Predictions 2022

Singles are advised to look for their perfect partner on social media apps as it may play a great role in bringing them together.


Financial Predictions 2022

It is a year of much needed financial gain as 2022 has the theme of renewed abundant energy. There are social gatherings predicted which may cause a little extra burden on Taurus but these can be easily compensated for.


Suggestions For 2022

Taurus is advised to work-out and practice yoga and meditation to keep their emotional state fitter and stronger.
