Set the mood

Creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere by lighting candles or incense, playing soft music, or finding a quiet place to sit is the way to do it.

Choose a spread

The next step in the tarot card reading astrology is choosing a spread. If you are yet to learn what choosing a spread in tarot reading means, we have come to your rescue.

Focus your intention

The most important part of this process is to set your intent. Take a few deep breaths and state your intention for the reading, for example, “I am seeking peace and serenity.”

Shuffle the deck

Shuffle the tarot deck until you feel a connection with the cards. Again, there is never a right or a wrong way to shuffle cards.

Choose the cards

Draw three cards for the past, present, and future positions of the spread. Your past included the incidents that recently took place and are affecting your present situation.

Interpret the cards

Look at each card’s meaning and symbolism, and consider how it relates to the position it is in. Focus on the message the cards are giving you and how they can bring peace and serenity to your life.

Reflect and journal

After the reading, take some time to reflect on the messages from the cards and write down any insights or thoughts. If you are a beginner, it is advised to maintain a tarot journal.

Trust the process

Remember that tarot readings are a tool for guidance and reflection, and the ultimate decision and action are up to you. Trust the process and allow the messages to bring you peace and serenity.