Tarot Predictions of the Week

Are you someone who seeks guidance from tarot cards? With InstaAstro’s most accurate Weekly Tarot Predictions by Tarot Swati, you can welcome new opportunities, hopes, and changes for the coming week.

Ace of Pentacles Element: Fire Zodiac Sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

This week, it is advisable to forgive and forget. You can bring positive change in your life by letting go of your anger, discarding any feeling of displeasure or frustration, and welcoming peace.

King of Cups Element: Earth Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

According to your weekly tarot predictions, you are entering a positive phase of life which will heighten your intuition, emotion, and awareness.

Nine of Pentacles Element: Air Zodiac Sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

The Universe sees that you have worked hard and tirelessly for a long time and is now rewarding you with good times.

Four of Wands Element: Water Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Are you waiting to start a new business? Do you imagine yourself stepping forth into a new venture? Will you receive your desired outcomes?