Fact 1

Goddess Lakshmi took the shape of a large Badri tree to protect Vishnu from trepidations of the weather and was named ‘Badri Vishal’.


Fact 2

Not just the temple, but the forests and mountains around it hold spiritual significance.


Fact 3

According to a mythological legend, god-sage Narad rebuked Lord Narayan for getting his feet massaged by Goddess Lakshmi which led the God to perform penance at Badrinath.


Fact 4

According to historical legend, Adi Shankaracharya built the current Badrinath temple that houses the Badrinarayan deity in it in the 8th century.


Fact 5

It is believed that the mountains Nar and Narayan hold the doors or the path of Badrinath which keeps getting narrower as the distance between the two keeps reducing with time.
