
This card will make it crystal evident in a relationship reading that it will end tragically and abruptly. The cards in the immediate vicinity can predict the outcome.


Ten of Swords:

This card is about a traumatic, powerful, and possibly unexpected conclusion. This breakup has left you feeling incredibly wounded and abandoned.


Three of Swords:

Three swords penetrate a heart in the Three of Swords. The card denotes sadness, heartache, and suffering.



Hermit is a lone figure who symbolises a period of seclusion and retreat from society. This is a sign of being “alone” and using the opportunity to consider one’s religious and personal aspirations.


Five of Swords:

The Five of Swords indicates that war has already been waged and lost. Maybe you and your spouse have already been having conflicts and misunderstandings for a while now, and you have decided to end the relationship.


Two of Cups reversed:

The said card, when upright, represents the bonds and psychological ties between 2 people. The Two of Cups in reverse indicates the breakdown of a partnership, albeit it may be in the framework of a “mutual breakup.”


Seven of Swords:

Defeat and ruin are represented by the Five of Pentacles. Anticipate feeling alone and “locked out” of a romance when this card is drawn, which could lead to some material and emotional loss.


Reversed Ten of Pentacles:

The Ten of Pentacles represents an existing relationship when it is straight, potentially a long-term marriage as well as a large family. Reversed, this marriage may be coming to an end.


Three of Cups reversed:

Reversed Three of Cups is not a good card to see in a love reading. It indicates that a third individual is present. That suggests that there is some cheating going on. Every relationship is often destroyed once that is found.



Once the Death tarot card comes in a love reading, it is a solid indication that the relation will die. The card of Death is one of finality and demise. The questioner occasionally has the impression that the connection won’t last.
