Ruler of Capricorn

The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn. Saturn rules the tenth House in astrology, which is associated with career, reputation and status.

Saturn in Capricorn Personality

Saturn in Capricorn is a serious and responsible person. This placement gives you a strong sense of duty, which can make you feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities life throws your way.

Mysteries of Saturn in Capricorn

Saturn is often associated with discipline, which makes sense because it rules over restrictions and limitations.

Saturn in Capricorn Career

You may be in a career that doesn’t align with your values, or you could be working for someone who isn’t good for you.

Saturn in Capricorn Marriage

Saturn in Capricorn is a very scientific sign and tends to be the most serious. This is because Saturn represents structure and order in our personal life.

Saturn Transit for Capricorn Ascendant

Saturn transiting through the sign of Capricorn is a time to ground yourself and focus on your long-term goals.

Saturn’s Power: Negative or Positive?

Saturn is a planet that usually has negative associations. But Capricorn’s sign can help alleviate some of the difficulties that Saturn usually brings.