Planets And Body Parts Astrology

Back in the primaeval times, there were no proper doctors, and if there were any, they were hardly accessible to the masses. So, people turned to astrology for various reasons.


Aries Eyes, Head, And Brain

Aries are confident, passionate and optimistic. However, they see things with an altogether different lens. The eyes, head and brain control all body parts for these zodiacs.


Taurus Throat And Neck (Vocals)

Venus rules the Taurus, making them kings and queens of vocals. According to the planets and body parts astrology, the zodiac rules over the throat, neck and vocals in specific.


Gemini Arms, Hands And Lungs

Hand gestures are integral ways of communication for Gemini. Moreover, their peers call them masters of the art of persuasion. This pertains to their confidence in oration and public speaking.


Cancer Breast, Chest And Stomach

Cancers have this innate nurturing and accepting quality about them. This has a relation to them controlling the breast, chest and stomach. Moreover, they are doting caregivers who always think about others in need.


Leo Heart and Spine

Born leaders and compassionate individuals, Leos are brave hearts symbolising the lion. They are kind and always make decisions from the heart. Thus, they control the heart and spine.


Virgo Digestive System and Abdomen

The perfectionist Virgo are zodiac signs that are highly practical and logical. These are earth signs, and they rule the digestive system and abdomen. This contributes to the fact that natives of this zodiac sign have major digestive issues.


Libra Lower Back, Buttocks And Kidneys

While all of us know that Libra is the sign of balance, all these body parts play a significant role. However, sometimes in the pursuit of balance, they often lose the sense of balance. Thus, this might create issues of balance for them.


Scorpio Reproductive System And Sexual Organs

The seductive and sensual beings, Scorpios are smouldering and intense lovers. They are highly sexual and feed off the energy of their partner.


Sagittarius Thighs And Liver

Party animals who will dance and drink till the end of the day, Sagittarians are big-time explorers. You will never find them at home and always at the club! Moreover, they are great dancers to top it all.


Capricorn Joints And Bones

Capricorns are ambitious, sensitive and have their head on their shoulders. Natives of this zodiac always want to do better and aim higher in life. Moreover, they don’t settle for less and take up everything on themselves.


Aquarius Calves And Ankles

Self-reliant and highly optimistic, Aquarians are exceptional beings who spend a significant time sharpening their skills. But, unfortunately, they also get nervous quite often. Thus, they rule over the calves and ankles and train these body parts a lot.


Pisces Feet And Hands

Emotional, sensitive and gracious, Pisces are highly aware of what they do in life. They are stable and have a sense of solidness; thus, they rule the feet and hands. Moreover, they often love massages and pamper themselves with manicures and pedicures.
