What are planetary transits?

The seven planets that are physically present travel through the various signs at different times. Due to the movement of these planets, we can feel different energies around us.


How do Planets Transit?

Each planet moves at its own pace. Moon and Mars move at a rate that is faster than the rest. Astrologers suggest that some transits have more impacts than the rest, and they determine the quality of our lives.


Sun Transit for 2022

Good health, prosperity, quality of life, vitality, and all the world's desires are controlled by the might of the Sun. Those with Sun's transit in the correct house develop confidence.


Moon Transit for 2022

Moon represents emotions, psychology and imagination. An individual might experience paranoia or nausea if there are negative influences of the Moon in their birth chart.


Jupiter Transit for 2022

Brihaspati or the Guru Graha, Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, optimism, knowledge and brightness. When placed in the right house, this planet can bring many positive effects and good luck.


Mercury Transit for 2022

Mercury rules the third house in Vedic Astrology. It is the planet with the most energetic and youthful vibration. It is amongst the fastest transiting planets and provides more brainpower and a better appearance.


Mars Transit for 2022

Mars represents an individual's drive. Whether sexual, ambitious or hunger drive. The presence of Mars in the zodiac means that the natives will be endowed with good leadership and mental stability.


Venus Transit for 2022

The planet is responsible for marriages, romantic relationships and children. Moreover, Venus has the power to influence luxury and desire, so it is also responsible for wealth and fortune.


Saturn Transit for 2022

Saturn is the decider for reward or punishment in the birth chart of individuals. This is most popularly known for its cold treatment and rigidity.


Rahu Transit for 2022

Rahu represents obsession, fear, confusion and materialism. It is known as a node planet and is the most intense and powerful planet. Other than its power, it also brings blurry and unsure visions and beliefs.


Ketu Transit for 2022

Ketu represents detachment, fantasy, intelligence, and wisdom. Moreover, it is representative of people's psychic abilities, and negative influences from Ketu cause emotional distress and mental disturbances.
