Predictions for 2nd half of  2022

Energy may start falling down in the next quarter and meditation and yoga will come to the rescue for Pisceans. The second half will bring in abundance for them as a new love interest, new job opportunities and renewed energy in personal life will prevail.


Career Predictions 2022

For the ones already in the service sector, there may be politics around which can cause friction. It is advised to not be impulsive about any decision and just go with the flow.


Love Predictions 2022

Singles will have to wait till the mid of the year to find a person of interest. Couples will have a difficult time at the beginning causing much tension and stress.


Financial Predictions 2022

There is a possibility of a major investment in the second quarter of 2022 for which Pisceans should be prepared beforehand as it is an opportunity, they wouldn’t be able to let go.


Suggestions For 2022

The year demands intelligent moves and leadership skills to conquer issues at work and personal front. Hence the advice is to do Surya puja or do Sun salutations to keep mind and body healthy while channelizing inner strength and motivation.
