Hard Worker

Swimming in the opposite direction of water includes hard work, struggle and hardships. Just like fishes, Pisces moon often encounters struggles in their life.

Gift of Compassion

Meet the most empathetic creatures in the world. Suppose you are watching a movie with your friend or partner who is a Pisces moon.


If you are the type of person who looks innocent and calm from the outside but, in fact, has devious thoughts about the people around you.

Hopelessly Romantic

Here comes the next trait of Pisces moon sign. Do you know what the common thing between you and Noah ( The Notebook) or Jack ( Titanic) is?

Heart of a Poet

Folks, if by ‘heart of poet’, you think that Pisces are great poets, then oops, you might be wrong. The natives of this zodiac sign are blessed with creativity and imagination.

King/Queen of Fantasy Land

Yes, you read it right. The only company a Pisces moon enjoys is their own. If you can’t find Pisces moon anywhere, try searching in their fantasy land.