Number 1

You may witness yourself sliding into situations where people may use your opinions or ideas without giving you any credit and get praised.

Number 2

You hold the magic wand in your hand, which means you have the power to achieve all your dreams, as it’s a wish-fulfilment week for you!

Number 3

For number 3, also the Virgo lucky number, opportunities will come your way to become more independent and free from all the triggers and upsets you have been facing.

Number 4

This week is asking you to believe in yourself. Believe that you have the confidence to light up any dark room with your presence.

Number 5

The abundance you have longed for so long will finally be yours this week. You will achieve a foundation for success and growth, yours for the long term.

Number 6

Now is the perfect time to find a balance between your spiritual and worldly life. You should clear out the negativity you carry and make way for new opportunities to enter your life.

Number 7

This week, you should go with the flow as you might feel slightly more burdened than usual, do not let it get the best of you.

Number 8

It is time for introspection. This week try to understand the situations you have dealt with in the past and learn from those mistakes.

Number 9

Be cautious while making bold statements and presenting your views to people. Try to avoid initiating a conversation where you think feelings can get hurt, either yours or others.