Tarot card: Six of Pentacles

This month will be extraordinary for your finances. This card indicates that money will come easy to you, and you can anticipate various gifts this month.


Tarot card: Three of Swords

This month will bring good changes and events for them.  This  card indicates that the natives of Taurus will make significant and pathbreaking decisions this month. 


Tarot card: Nine of Swords

 Geminis  would not have the best month. They will face a few challenges regarding their career and financial growth. Your inner critic will have an awakening leading to deteriorating self-esteem. 


Tarot card: Eight of Pentacles (reversed)

The Eight of Pentacles indicates that October will be a prosperous month for natives of this zodiac. Practice self-care and compassion to have a peaceful and harmonious month.


Tarot card: King of Wands (reversed)

You will function in a position of authority to take hefty decisions this month. People will listen to you and treat you like a boss. Keep taking note of everything around you so you can pause and reflect on your actions later in the year.


Tarot card: Six of Swords

October will bestow you with free time and a long vacation away from your job. This month will be all about travel and new experiences for you.


Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune (reversed)

You will have a blissful October full of light and happiness. Lucky will flow their way. Apart from money and finances, creativity is also something that will motivate you to do well this month.


Tarot card: The Chariot

The card represents navigation through chaos for you. Moreover, the tarot card reveals that the end of this month will be highly favourable for you, and you must take all the vital decisions during that time.


Tarot card: Four of Pentacles (reversed)

For natives of this zodiac, this month will be about waiting and patience. Whatever you have been waiting for will happen for you this month. There might be a feeling of insecurity looming over you, but all you have to do is remain patient and not lose hope.


Tarot card: The Moon( reversed)

You might have gotten away with a few actions which have not been appropriate. However, October is the month of justice and punishment. Thus, brace yourself for having a difficult month ahead and be prepared to face all the challenges together.


Tarot card: The Fool

For natives of this zodiac sign, October is the beginning of a fun-filled final quarter of the year. Everything will happen at a fast pace this month for Aquarians, and they might not have time to savour things. You will party hard but remember to work hard as wel.


Tarot card: Queen of Pentacles

This month will be about monetary growth and development. You will have a great first few weeks in terms of money, and the rest of the week will be about your love life and family. People will start appreciating your kindness and maturity more.