Number 1

This month, the number 1 is in its prime, making it an excellent time for you to take action and pursue your goals with confidence.

Number 2

You can expect a shift in energy that will bring harmony and balance into your life. In terms of career and finances, April may bring some unexpected opportunities.

Number 3

his month the energy of the number 3 will be especially strong, which will bring exciting opportunities for personal growth in an individual’s life.

Number 4

Individuals who resonate with the number 4 are famous for their practicality, dependability, and hardworking nature.

Number 5

This month, number 5 also emphasises the importance of trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone for your personal growth.

Number 6

The energy of the number 6 will inspire you to focus on your relationships, both romantic and platonic.

Number 7

The energy of the number 7 will inspire you to take a closer look at your inner world and examine your beliefs and values. Use this month to meditate, journal, or simply spend time alone in nature.

Number 8

The energy of the number 8 will inspire you to focus on your career and financial goals. This is a great time to take on new projects, negotiate a raise or promotion, or start your own business.

Number 9

The energy of the number 9 will inspire you to help others and make a positive impact on the world. Use this month to volunteer, donate to a charity, or find other ways to give back.