Fact 1

Lord Vishnu’s 10th avatar already gets celebrated as “Kalki Jayanti”. This day is considered auspicious as everybody celebrates the coming avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Fact 2

Lord Kalki will be born on the thirteenth day during the fortnight of the waxing moon. A waxing moon is a progressing moon when the moon goes from Amavasya to Purnima night.

Fact 3

It has also been told in ShivPurana that Lord Kalki will worship Lord Shiva. And because of this, he gets all the godly powers to defeat evil.

Fact 4

Lord Rama mentioned his 10th avatar as Lord Kalki in Kalyug. It is believed that since that time, Vishanvi has been praying and worshipping to unite with Lord Vishnu.