
The love language of Aries is physical touch. They like to be hugged, kissed and held. They are affectionate and love to show their love through physical gestures.


Taurus love language is gift-giving. They love to show their love through small tokens of affection and material gifts. They are very romantic and love to make their loved ones feel special.


Gemini’s love language is communication. They love to talk to their loved ones and express their feelings through words. They enjoy expressing their thoughts and ideas through verbal communication.


Cancer love language is an act of service. They are very nurturing and enjoy taking care of their loved ones. They love to show their love through practical acts of service, such as cooking or doing chores.


Leo’s love language is quality time. They enjoy spending time with their loved ones and creating special memories together. 


Virgo love language is words of affirmation. They appreciate verbal recognition and praise. They love to be appreciated and to know that their loved ones value them.


Libra’s love language is physical touch and gift-giving. They enjoy showing affection through small gestures, such as holding hands or bringing small gifts.


Scorpio love language is an act of service. They are very dedicated to their loved ones and enjoy showing their love through practical acts of service.


Sagittarius love language is quality time. They enjoy spending time with their loved ones and creating special memories together. They love to show their love through shared experiences and time spent together.


Capricorn’s love language is gift-giving. They enjoy showing their love through small tokens of affection and material gifts. They love to make their loved ones feel special.


Love language of Aquarius is words of affirmation. They appreciate verbal recognition and praise. They love to be appreciated and to know that their loved ones value them.


Pisces’ love language is physical touch. They enjoy showing affection through small gestures, such as holding hands or cuddling.