Ketu in 11th House

Ketu in the 11th House brings luck into the person’s life. This planet tends to be the best for the people because of its effects. However, people also called it a “shadow planet”.

Dhanishta Nakshatra

Ketu in Dhanishta Nakshatra is the main reason for people’s wealth. Dhanishta Nakshatra is 23rd in the Nakshatra’s chart. They do not believe in showing off their wealth or power to others.

Ketu in the 11th House in Taurus

Ketu in the 11th House of Taurus is the main reason these types of people put so much effort into every work they do. Thus, this will lead them to the best results.

Past Life

As a result, when Ketu is in the 11th House, the person’s past life differs from their present life. That is because that person gains so much experience from their past life.


Ketu in 11th House marriages depends on the two persons who are together. These couples have some difficulties in their marriage due to the interference of their relatives or others.

Guru and Ketu

Guru and Ketu in 11th House act like a father and son duo. These people get benefits from both the Guru and Ketu together. They will never face any financial problems in their whole life.

Navamsa Chart

Ketu in the 11th House in Navamsa Chart depicts the flow of wealth in your life. Namaste is a birth chart showing planets’ positions in different divisions.