Emotions and Human Mind

When the nervous system is activated, a variety of physical sensations and symptoms are possible. If you recognize these feelings in yourself, you aren’t alone. These uncomfortable feelings might result from your frustration, wrath, fear, or despair.


Tarot Calming Cards

Tarot calming cards help us tune in, comprehend our unpleasant emotions, and provide the room we need to resolve them in constructive ways, which reduces feelings of stress.


Purpose of Calming Cards

Using calming cards can help one to bring their focus back to the present moment, engage with their physical existence, and help them decipher the signals their subconscious mind is telling them.


Steps to use Calming Cards Correctly

1- If your stress response is overworked or active, take out your Tarot cards, reshuffle them, and then choose a card. Of course, it may sound counterintuitive to a Tarot reader.


Steps to use Calming Cards Correctly

2- The very first hand you pick represents your overall emotional life. 3- It might indicate a confluence of several stuff occurring at once, and it could also represent the intensity of a particular mood or circumstance.


Steps to use Calming Cards Correctly

4- The important thing is that this card offers you a broad sense of your total energy and the reasons why your subconscious mind is engaged at this moment.
