Donation of Rice

Providing rice to help the poor on this day brings peace and prosperity into the home since, in Hinduism, rice is referred to be Akshat.


Donating items that strengthen your Sun

Make the following donations to strengthen your Sun through Diwali donations to help the poor. Ghee, red fabric, rubies, copper, gold, sandalwood, red flowers, or jaggery can be a part of your Sun Offering on Sunday morning. 


Donating items that strengthen your Moon

Giving white clothes and flowers, a pitcher filled with ghee, rice, milk, silver, curd, and camphor to help the poor this Diwali on Monday evening.


Donating items that strengthen your Mars

For this year’s Diwali donations, give away the following to soothe Mars: Copper, jaggery, red flowers and clothing, and red sandalwood


Donating items that strengthen your Mercury

To appease Mercury through your Diwali Donations, green items, including clothes, fruits, green lentils, emeralds, and money, among others. Wednesday morning at dawn would be the best time to donate.


Donating items that strengthen your Jupiter

Thursdays honor the gods Jupiter and Lord Vishnu. In a person’s horoscope, Jupiter is the god of learning, spirituality, humility, development, and children, among other things.


Donating items that strengthen your Venus

If you want to please Venus, offer her the following:  White clothes, silver, milk, kheer, diamond, camphor, curd, decorative items, and makeup kits for young girls.


Donating items that strengthen your Saturn

Saturdays honor Lord Shani. On this day, worshipping Lord Hanuman has excellent advantages. Lord Shani is the root of all pain, illness, and science in a person’s horoscope.
