Element: Fire Sun Sign: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Tarot Card of the Day: The Lovers

Your weekly love tarot reading suggests that you might feel courageous enough to confess your true feelings to someone you love.

Element: Earth Sun Sign: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn Tarot Card of the Day: Page of Wands

Your weekly tarot reading predicts that you might not be able to execute these plans due to the lack of resources or even time.

Element: Air Sun Sign: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius Tarot Card of the Day: Wheel of Fortune

Your weekly tarot predictions say that your karmic deeds will take centre stage and will bless you with opportunities based on that.

Element: Water Sun Sign: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Tarot Card of the Day: DEATH

As per your tarot cards prediction, the overall energy of this upcoming week revolves around transformation, change and transition. This week is the time when you will uncover lots of hidden things about yourself.