Number 1

First on the list of weekly numerology predictions is the number 1. Your numerology weekly horoscope ensures that all your relationship issues will come to an end this week.

Number 2

As per the weekly forecast by date of birth for Number 2, this week is all about witnessing divine intervention, especially in terms of money.

Number 3

numerology number 3 may get a chance to spend more time with their loved ones and create new memories.

Number 4

As per the lucky number for Libra, your major focus will be on achieving your desired goals or obsession.

Number 5

As per Virgo lucky number 5, the upcoming week comes as a sign of warning to some of you. It advises you not to stretch things, be it your emotions or any argument with your partner or even colleagues.

Number 6

as per numerology weekly horoscope, soon you might get good news. Moreover, your approach will be a striking balance in every aspect of your life, be it financial, personal or even professional.

Number 7

The weekly zodiac sign for the number 7 predicts a rough patch in your love relationships. Emotionally drained fights in your relationship might make you think of breaking up with your partner.

Number 8

he numerology weekly horoscope for number 8 says that this week seems to be extremely lucky for those working in the field of social media and digital marketing.

Number 9

Last on the list of weekly numerology predictions is number 9. As per your weekly forecast by date of birth, the upcoming week showcases the energy of revival and reunion.