Number 1

As per number 1 weekly numerology predictions, the overall energy of this week revolves around strong intuition, self-growth and self-love.

Number 2

As per the weekly forecast by date of birth, the upcoming week urges you to keep a check on your greed.

Number 3

As per number 3 weekly numerology predictions, the stars guide you to keep a few things in mind. First, make sure your passion does not turn into an obsession.

Number 4

number 4 predict that singles looking for a like-minded partner might get lucky.

Number 5

your weekly numerology hints that your past efforts might generate fruitful results, be it personal or professional.

Number 6

Number 6 weekly forecast by date of birth predicts that this week promises an emotional balance to some of you. However, if you are single, then get ready to welcome some romantic proposals this week.

Number 7

as per the lucky number for Libra, your fearless attitude will help turn all your desires into reality in the near future.

Number 8

As per the lucky number for Libra, this upcoming week holds a promise of practicality, stability and loyalty to your life.

Number 9

As per number 9, weekly numerology predictions, the upcoming week might bring a sense of disappointment to some of you.