The House Of Education

A horoscope chart, as we all know, has 12 houses. The houses 4th, 5th, 9th, 2nd, and Lagna focus on education.

The Fourth House

Until the end of elementary school, the 4th house is perhaps the essential house for astrological forecasts. This home conveys information on the mind and mental health.

The Second House

The child’s early learning experiences before starting school are described in the second house.

The Ninth House

The 9th house of the horoscope indicates the child’s further education. It indicates the child’s desire to understand the truth and meaning of life.

Higher Education  and Astrology

Education is hampered when Mercury is placed in a malefic house like the sixth, eighth, or twelfth.

Other Planets and Education

The Sun, Moon, and Mars are the other planets with influence over a child’s educational chances, in addition to Mercury and Jupiter.


You can predict the ideal career and study opportunities of a child by a fine education horoscope. There is a good time for education, just like there is for everything else.