Surya or Sun in Astrology

The centre of the universe has a great influence on how we sleep. Just like the Sun, people who have a strong position of the Surya in their Kundli have healthy sleeping habits.

Chandra or Moon in Astrology

The peaceful and calm Chandra or Moon has a deep connection with various aspects of our lives. Moreover, the Moon can determine whether we will have a good night’s sleep.

Mangal or Mars in Astrology

Mars is a significant planet in astrology, and it has a special message for our sleep. A good position of Mars in one’s Kundli or Lagna chart means a peaceful sleep for them.

Shukra or Venus in Astrology

We are moving on to Venus or Shukra, the planet of beauty and luxury. Venus is a peaceful planet which has a good influence on our sleep.

Shani or Saturn in Astrology

Talking about the planets which influence our sleep remains incomplete without mentioning Saturn. Saturn, or Shani, is the most important planet in astrology, which affects how we sleep.

Budh or Mercury in Astrology

If the Mercury in one’s Kundali is disturbed or troubled, it can take your sleep away.

Brihaspati or Jupiter in Astrology

Jupiter or Brihaspati has a significant effect on our sleep schedules. Be it a short power nap or a deep slumber at night, Jupiter spreads its effects on all types of sleeping habits.

Rahu or Northern Node of Moon

If a person is suffering from Rahu Dosha, they can experience low energy because of the lack of sleep.

Ketu or Southern Node of Moon

When Ketu is in an individual’s 12th house, it has an unfortunate meaning for the person’s rest time. This is because Ketu in the 12th house can bring various problems with one’s sleep.