What is Karma?

In Sanskrit, the word “Karma” denotes “activity” or “to do,”. This covers both physical and mental actions.Karma is the totality of our past and present deeds that determine our present and future.


Good and Bad Karma

Karma may be divided into three categories: Shukla, which stands for good acts. Krishna, which stands for harmful deeds. Lastly, Shukla-Krishna, which stands for mixed deeds that are both beneficial and evil.


Remedies for past life karma

Jal Neti: Make Jal Neti a daily ritual, like cleaning your teeth first thing in the morning. Meditation in White light: White light meditation is a good practice.


Remedies for past life karma

Take accountability for your Karma: You will start to notice a change in your energies as you acknowledge your wrongdoings. Practice forgiveness: To forgive is to separate—from the resentment, resentment, and irritation you hold inside.


How to clear Karmic Debt?

It ensures that people pay back what they owe you. Karmic Debt is the name for this imbalance. Its Karmic blockages can take place in this life or another.
