How To Heal And Unlock Heart Chakra

What is Heart Chakra?

The heart chakra in Sanskrit is Anahata, meaning unstruck to take off while leaving the ground. To explain in simple terms, it means to leave behind all the past trauma and toxic relationships.

How to Activate Heart Chakra

If you are wondering how to heal heart chakra, here are some easy tips and remedies to help you unblock heart chakra.

Heart Chakra Crystals

Rose Quartz: The usage of Rose Quartz crystal stone helps you to balance and calm down during difficult times. It can help you during your healing session.

Heart Chakra Yoga

 Cobra (Bhujangasana): This yoga posture can help you open your heart and lungs, helping you keep your heart chakra active and open. It also helps you get rid of stress and fatigue.

Meditations for Heart Chakra

Find a quiet place to sit and chant “Yam”. You can chant the mantra loudly while recollecting positive energy.