Aries – The Magician

The Magician card is the first in the tarot deck and represents your personality. The Magician is a master of illusions who uses magic to make things happen.

Taurus – Strength

Taurus is the sign of the Bull, and the card of Strength is the card of the Bull. This makes sense because Taurus is also a sign that embodies many qualities related to Earth, including stability, Strength and patience.

Gemini – The Lovers

Gemini, the sign of the twins, is represented by two different signs: Gemini and Sagittarius. The Lovers card represents partnerships, and all that they entail—our relationships with other people are essential to our happiness.

Cancer – The Chariot

The Chariot is a card of victory and determination. It’s a sign that you can overcome any challenge if you stay strong and don’t let fear get in your way.

Leo – Justice

Leo is a fire sign, so you’re hot-headed and passionate. You’re also very loyal to friends and family members, but you need to be careful not to let your temper flare up when things don’t go your way.

Virgo – The Hermit

The Hermit is a card that encourages you to spend time alone and connect with your inner being. The Hermit can help you find wisdom within yourself.

Libra – The Star

The Star is about hope, faith and moving forward. It’s about the future and what you want it to be. The card’s energy is positive, meaning that things are going well for you when you draw it.

Scorpio – Death

For Scorpios, the Death Card means a transformation is coming. You might be able to see it as an ominous card, but think about how you’ve had to overcome obstacles in your life before and how those were positive experiences for you.

Sagittarius – Temperance

The Sagittarius Tarot card is called Temperance. It shows a woman pouring water from one cup into another, representing the process of tempering and purifying the mind and spirit.

Capricorn – The Devil

The Devil is a card of temptation. It’s the card of materialism, addiction, anger, greed, lust and vanity, possession and domination. The Devil can represent any situation where you feel like an outside force or person is controlling you.

Aquarius – The Moon

The Moon represents your emotions, and it’s all about intuition. The Moon is a card of the subconscious, imagination, and dreamer.

Pisces – The Hanged Man

This card is about letting go of the past and moving forward. It’s about surrendering to a higher power, whether that power is God or your higher self.