Not to do Avoid the usage of sharp objects

As per astrology, one should avoid sharp objects, especially pregnant ladies and children, because it is a bad omen.

Not to do Avoid pre-prepared food and drinks

It is advisable to not eat or drink pre-made food or drinks simply because during any eclipse, harmful radiation surrounds us.

Not to do Avoid looking at the moon directly 

There is no scientific backing to this one, but just because the moon might release some harmful rays which can affect the eyes.

Not to do People should try and stay inside

People are advised to stay inside because this phenomenon destabilises the solar system, which leads to harmful rays being attracted to the earth.

to do Using tulsi to prepare food

Once the eclipse passes, you should prepare food, and you should sprinkle some leaves of Tulsi on the food.

to do Gayatri mantra

One of the spiritual things to do during a lunar eclipse is to recite the Gayatri Mantra during a lunar eclipse.

to do Take a bath with fresh water

One should take a bath with fresh water after the lunar eclipse as it cleanses the body of any bad radiation and harmful energy.

to do Meditate

Meditation is believed to connect the human body to the sun, the moon, and the earth.