What does Saturn represent in medicine astrology?

Planet Saturn is the ruler planet of Aquarius and Capricorn. It governs the wind, feet, knees, acids, and marrow in medical astrology. It also influences the secretive system.


Strength of Saturn:

Saturn will be utterly strong in astrology if it is in the Capricorn, Libra, and Aquarius. Saturn in the Leo and Aries makes a person confront negative impacts, depending on the Navamsa.


Diseases Caused by Saturn in the horoscope.

Most diseases involve chronic ailments. It also involves congenital weakness. Furthermore, natives shall suffer spasms, numbness, and rigidity.


Remedies for Weak Saturn in astrology

Involve activeness in your daily activity. Discipline in lifestyle and maintaining order would also help eliminate malefic Saturn in the Kundli.


Remedies for Weak Saturn in astrology

Meditation would improve their concentration power and seek positive results from Saturn. Leaving the company of bad habits will also help people of all zodiac signs get rid of malefic Saturn in the horoscope.
