
Creative innovation is key to success. To get out of the rut that you're in, do something crazy and shocking. Do not settle for the mediocre or the same. This is your chance to create something new.


When faced with difficult issues that seem impossible to solve, don't resist the opportunity. The solution will eventually come. Do not be stubborn or defiant.


Focusing on the daily chores and tasks at hand will give you valuable insight into your job. These valuable insights will be filtered through your heart and not your brain.


Just because your rank is higher than someone who is just starting at work, doesn't mean you should disregard their ideas.


You feel trapped. You may feel like your employer doesn't appreciate what you do. Perhaps they place you in an extremely limited position.


You have reached a place of power. You are a source of support, advice and guidance for others. Serving others is the only way to stay in control.


Your indecisiveness is more severe than ever, which makes it very difficult to do your job effectively. Have a good lunch, and if you can stop working at all early in the morning, take a break.


You feel a little disoriented and uneasy about the world. You are likely to say something to someone who has a negative impact on you.


You are under great pressure to show someone that you're worthy of something. This pressure puts you under extra stress and makes it more likely that you will make mistakes.


You need to be open-minded and more willing to look for opportunities that will bring you long-term rewards than those that are short-term.


Now is the best time to be more active in pursuing your passions. You will find the most rewarding work by doing what you enjoy. Don't feel stuck in a job you dislike.


The energy burst you've had over the last few days has waned. This is normal and it's for your good. If you keep going at your current pace, you will burn yourself out.