What Is Chakra ?

‘Chakra’ is a common term for anyone who has been exposed to yoga and spiritual healing.


The seven chakras

Root Chakra: It is responsible for physical identity, stability and grounding. Sacral Chakra: It is responsible for physical and emotional pleasure and creativity.


The seven chakras

Solar Plexus Chakra: It is responsible for self-esteem and confidence in oneself. Heart  Chakra: It responsible for giving and receiving love and compassion for oneself as well as others around.


The seven chakras

Throat Chakra: the chakra located at the throat which signifies communication skills. Third Eye Chakra: It signifies intuition as well as imagination.


The seven chakras

Crown Chakra: It signifies intelligence and awareness of oneself and our actions for the collective good (Universe).


If and when any of these chakras are blocked, it leads to an unhappy spiritual life. The simplest way to unblock ourselves daily is to ground ourselves. This can be through spending time in nature or to just let our imagination and creative flow run wild.
