What Are Angel Numbers?

Imagine that it’s a fine day and you check your phone and the time says 11:11, then you go somewhere and also see that on a board, and then you keep seeing it for the entire day. 


The number 11 is called a “master number”. This is symbolic of insight, enlightenment and intuition.This becomes a straightforward message or signal from the universe for you to become aware and conscious.


It signifies that you’re on the correct path in life. Furthermore, this also means that your physical actions match the tangent of your soul‘s purpose.


Seeing 11:11 repeatedly while you’re thinking about a certain someone is a sign from the universe approving that person. Moreover, the universe seems to give you a thumbs-up too!

11:11 for Good Luck

If you see this number repeatedly when you think of a goal or desire, then the universe gives you the green light, which is a good sign for achieving that. Thus, it mainly tells you that the track you’re on is correct.