
Taking care of your sensitive nature is important, especially during stressful times. Do what you enjoy the most. Relax, take a break, and listen to the music you like.


Sometimes your own emotions can feel overwhelming and hard to handle. Take some time for yourself to calm down and connect with your inner emotional self.


Given the current astral energies, it is possible to hear the voice in your head saying "Enough!" You want what you want now. This may bring you apprehension.


You have been feeling indecisive for some time. Sensitivity to the astral energy gives you the possibility that everything could turn around at any moment.


Your emotions will guide you, if you allow them to. It may be tempting to choose the path that receives the most external approval, but it is in your best interest to also open up to receiving approval from within.


You must take care of all your bodily needs. Imagine how your body would look and the schedule you would keep in an ideal world.


A healthy balance can be achieved through your natural curiosity in alternative medicine and psychology, as well as health food and nature.


The current planet configuration allows us to tap into our inner child's physical and emotional needs, such as the need for nurturing, food, and care, and incorporate them into our daily lives.


The person who will receive all of your passion is likely to be you. This aspect is about taking care of yourself.


It's important to be aware of your own intensity and consider spending time alone to encourage self-reflection. Don't forget to meet your daily exercise needs.


Your fears and inner turmoil to control you. The planetary configuration today requires you to examine your own needs and assess the level of respect you show towards them in the time you set aside.


You want to find true self-confidence in your life and be independent of others, finding the best path to balance.