
Your mind is grounded, allowing you to see facts as they really are, and not just what you think. These two aspects are often in conflict, but not today - capitalize on that.


Someone may make you feel bad. This person probably isn't being cruel; he/she is simply stating the truth. Don't let oversensitivity about the subject get in the way.


Not only do you have an excellent grasp of concepts, but your ability to tune in and be sensitive to the emotions of others is also a benefit.


Some people may not appreciate jokes, especially in today's day and age. Always be honest with others and make sure to maintain eye contact.


Someone who holds rigid views of the current situation may frustrate you, and the person who is frustrated with you may have the same issue.


Your optimism can be useful in certain situations, but on days like today, it may cause more harm than good. Hard evidence and solid facts are needed.


Your ideas may be good, but they need to change. It seems like you are only considering one side of the coin. This is the right time to see the other side and adjust your position.


You may feel disconnected from the world, but that is not a reason to alter your outlook or current plan of action. Accept other views, but do not feel obliged to adopt them.


Good luck! Your contacts are crucial for your future success. Keep any business cards or phone numbers you receive. Instead of losing them in the washing machine, keep them safe.


Don't be afraid to let your sensitive side show, even at work. Let people know that you're human and have emotions. It's not possible to be a warrior every day. Take a deep breath and relax.


Your memory will be sharper, and you will easily retain all the facts. This is the best time of year to study for an exam or prepare for your presentation.


Your emotions and mind will work in harmony. This can be dangerous, as if you let your emotions take over from something outside of your job, it could lead to distractions and a loss of your ability to reason.