
Today's planet transit will make you extremely sensitive to others' needs. It is your desire to make others feel good. The best way to express this wish is to be happy.


Use the planetary energy today to get moving! The suggested physical pose for today is the 'downward dog.' This popular position is similar to a pushup, but with your back straight up towards the ceiling.


You are often quick to react but may sometimes miss the emotional nuances of a situation. Deep breathing exercises can help you slow down and relax.


When you feel hurt, it can be natural for your mind to put up a defense mechanism, such as thinking thoughts like "never again" or "goodbye forever."


You work hard when you feel proud and even harder to ignore when your emotions are needy. When you feel overwhelmed by emotions, others around you may distance themselves.


A harmonious environment is essential for your well-being. This is how you balance your daily life, and it can be a very pleasant task!


You experience all things on an emotional level. Be open to celestial energy today by considering how emotions affect your health.


You can take steps to find your own sense of well-being and distance yourself from toxic relationships. Is the time you spend with others enough for you?


Patience can be a virtue, but you don’t necessarily need to learn it. Instead, I would advise you to "think before you act" or something similar.


You are in complete control of your life these days. It's okay to relax and enjoy the ride. However, this doesn't mean you should stop exercising or give up your good sleep habits, as that would not be productive.


Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. You may feel overwhelmed, but it is possible to catch up with others. You may feel more sensitive today to criticism because of the transit.


You may be motivated by today's transit to participate in a group activity. This could involve planning or assisting others.