
You've had a lot to deal with over the last few months. It would be wise for you to do a series on yoga in order prepare yourself for new experiences.


Today's low energy levels can cause us to feel depressed and lonely. Isolation can make us fear that we will not be able accomplish the things we want.


There are many options to make routines and structures interesting. For example, you can vary your yoga practice by choosing different postures within the same method.


Today's planet alignment will slow down your endless thought processes.


Today's Transit is about Thinking Logically. How can you get the most out of this aspect? Consider, for instance, how easy it is to retreat into your own self.


Today's planet transit will require you to do work that you don't want. You will feel this feeling for several weeks so it is worth getting out there!


The intensity of your feelings from yesterday is likely to intensify today. You may be enjoying the energy and have deep thoughts that you want to keep in mind for later reference.


You might be presented with some interesting choices this month. Do you know of important decisions in your life?


You have plenty of space to run right now. You might save some fireworks for next year by not letting your energy go to waste.


You are receiving positive energies from every Zodiac sign right now. This energy can be used by positive thinking. Change anything in your life. You have something to say.


You are a party-goer who is plagued by the fear of rejection. You can decrease your fear of being rejected by doing simple exercises. Keep up with your exercise program, even if you are feeling discouraged.


Your gift of vision usually serves you particularly well. Vitamin A and Beta carotene are good sources to help you maintain your natural sight.