
The problems of yesterday become more acute today as others get involved. People are becoming more vocal and stubborn, adding to the discussion.


Something you once thought was certain doesn't really seem as solid. This is the time to review your facts.


Overindulgence or some other type of indulgence is keeping you from the place you should be in regard to your career.


A dispute may be arising today between you, your boss or client. You need to be clear about your goals. Do you think only about your own goals, or do you consider the larger collective goal?


Unexpected opposition may come your way. Do not let it throw you off your feet. You will most likely be able to integrate the new information into your daily routine.


Things are looking up for you. Why shouldn't it be great! You shouldn't accept your luck for granted. Instead, you need to continue building on it.


You're in an extremely difficult position. Although you are eager to lead and take control of a project you do not have the right information or facts to support your ideas and plans.


You want to escape the difficulties you have been facing. However, you will find that the intensity of the situation does not change. Keep your sense of humor.


Your thoughts are on the right track. But if your leadership skills and willpower is lacking, these ideas will not be of any use. You will succeed if you are more bold in your approach.


You can identify with the scattered-brained and collaborate to make something amazing. Focus on the important things and speak up without hesitation.


The pace of work will slow over the next four week, starting today. Instead of feeling pressured or rushed to get things done, this will allow you to take more time to plan and t


Your thinking is solid and clear. Learn important information that will assist you in putting together your master plan. First, put the pieces in place and then add the details.