
People around you can be sensitive, Aries. Be careful with how you deal with them. They will be able to see through any facades and detect differences within their ranks.


While others may seem confused or distressed, Taurus is the person who has all the answers. You're well-equipped to handle the many difficult situations likely to occur on days like these.


Gemini, be passionate about what you love most. You don't have to try every item on the buffet. Instead, choose the items you love best and enjoy them. You can always take some home for later.


You might feel like you're on a skipping track, Cancer. Now that you have been mistreated and scratched, you will continue repeating the same things until you get your point across.


There may be forces that question your greatest dreams and hopes, Leo. You should be careful when you confront someone looking to challenge your ideas.


This is a rare opportunity to fully understand the issue. This knowledge is likely to provide you with a huge advantage over others who are still stuck in the sand.


You might feel anxious Libra. You might be anxious about a date or how you can make a good impression. Keep in mind that you can push for the object you desire the more you attempt.


You may feel uncomfortable in order to please others. An uncomfortable feeling can lead to restlessness, nervousness and anger.


You might feel the need to bring fantasy into your day, Sagittarius. Have you got someone you want Cupid to hit? Don't trust a child to complete your task.


Your Capricorn psychic ability is likely to become keen when you imagine fanciful scenarios. You might not be as far from the truth with these images in your head.


Aquarius, you may have trouble communicating your ideas to other Aquarius. Your ideas might seem too selfish for some. Others may find you insensitive or too self-centered.


The emotions you feel right now could put a damper in your fantasies, Pisces. These dreams are yours to cultivate.