
Happiness at work should not be an optional bonus, but a necessity. You must be happy in your job. If necessary, change jobs.


You're on a high and positive path. You're in an extremely favorable position if you look at it from a long-term perspective.


Be confident in your actions and words. Your confidence will make others trust you and your work more. There are many reasons to be confident that your career is on the right path.


Demonstrate that you will not be bullied. Take control of your life and assert your willpower. There are many great ideas in your head - let them shine instead of trying to hide them from others.


You're in one of those situations where too many cooks spoil the broth. Everybody wants to be in control and have their say, which can lead to disaster.


Help others rise to a higher level instead of looking down upon them. Don't be judgmental. Avoid judging others and you will eventually reap the rewards of your good deeds.


Today's winner will not be someone who dwells on negative aspects, but the one who is able to make the best of an otherwise difficult and dysfunctional situation.


You may encounter difficulty with authority figures today. People who hold higher positions than you may exhibit a condescending attitude towards you.


The workplace conflict today doesn't have anything to do with your life. Don't treat every battle like it's yours. You don't have to win this war. Instead of being caught up in the battle zone, stay out of their way.


It will be difficult to say no to anybody or anything. You feel positive and invincible because of the overwhelming enthusiasm that pervades this day.


None of the choices available to you today may be particularly favorable. While others may be impressed with their innovative ideas and enthusiasm, you may not be. And that's okay.


You are more determined than ever and feel feistier. You are comfortable going with the flow and accepting what others say, but not today. It is crucial that you stand firm with conviction.