Create New, Meaningful Experiences

You cannot just avoid experiences because they remind you of the past. You’re depriving yourself of the fun and excitement that these things offer if you try to experience them again.

Go Out

Loneliness is a devil, so please don’t lock yourself up in your room. Instead, take a good look outside. The earth moves on without you, so you have to keep up with it!

Put Away All The Physical Evidence Of Your Memories

While memories are mental images stored in the brain, physical evidence such as photos and videos only amplifies their effects.

Pray For Inner Peace

When everything else fails, you have only one resort to pray. Praying is a helpful way to calm yourself amidst this emotional journey of getting over someone.

Hang Out With Your Friends

If they request you out, don’t decline it, and the best of friends will go out of their routine to help you, drag you out of your room, and give you a lovely day out.