Lack Of Empathy

If you want Aries to pour on with comforting words, you probably picked the wrong person. Aries will deliver you an action plan rather than a shoulder to cry on.


They can be selfish.

Aries get what they want, period. The Rams don’t let anyone block their way. They are revolutionary self-lovers and rarely compromise.


They are too competitive.

Aries has a warrior spirit and presumably a little too much. Everything is a contest. And Aries has to win them all at all costs.



Aries people are good at initiating something new but not so much at maintaining them. So they will start a new book, a unique project or a new hobby. But, they begin without overthinking.


They are headstrong

You are testing to tell Aries what to do? An easygoing Aries may ignore you, but an assertive Aries will tell you to shut up and watch your own business.



Jealousy is a by-product of Aries’ competitiveness. For the fire sign, they must be on top of everything. Therefore, they envy those who are more famous, wealthy and closer to their dreams.
