
Don't let anyone trick you into thinking they can play your game. You may be tricked by someone in your workplace who is trying to convince you to work harder than required.


Your strong leadership and excellent communication and speaking skills make for an incredibly powerful combination.


There is a lot of restlessness at work, making it hard to focus and follow up on tasks. Instead of being focused, you switch between tasks and question yourself.


Your self-esteem is being shaken by those trying to take control of you. Don't allow others to have control of you, especially if you believe you are correct.


Your detective skills will be useful as you sort through all the noise. You can take control of situations that are hard to manage. There is energy; you just need to focus.


You are in conflict with someone, and it seems impossible to escape. This person may try to mislead you by talking in circles. Do not be swayed and stay focused on the right path.


The work environment is not conducive to your productivity. Find out if you can work from home or outside the workplace.


You're receiving a lot of support from many angles which encourages you to make the next step in your career. Keep your eyes on the goal. You're in an upswing.


You'll feel an underlying tension as you go about your day. It is normal. This is a good thing. You will be inspired to achieve more than you ever thought possible.


You will be more attentive and alert in your interactions with other people than someone who is tired and slow.


If you're unsure of anything, you risk getting caught in the crossfire and may not be ready to stand with others. It's important to gather information before making any major moves.


Someone in authority may try to assert their power over you and embarrass you. Don't feel ashamed to address the issue with them privately and let them know that their behavior is inappropriate.