
Money can be a tempting proposition, and so is thinking of ways to get more. The planet constellation of your day could reveal a clever plan that will allow your bank account to soar.


Perhaps your future partner shares an interest in the same occupation as your mom, has a similar sense of humor as you, and is open to new experiences. You should give it a shot.


Your intuitive abilities are on the rise, and you may have the ability to predict when and where your future partner will enter your life.


Any conversation you have today will be extremely informative. It won't be about mundane topics like the cost of a steak or the weather.


Words and ideas are at the heart of our world. Without them, nothing would ever happen. You may have some thoughts about the special someone in your life today, but you may not be sure if they are accurate.


Today, you have the ability to perform real magic tricks. It's possible to make words sound like magic tricks and make others believe what you said.


This day is full of imagery, poetry, magic, and soft colors. This is your chance to harness the power and magic of atmosphere to help you get where you need to be.


Today, it is best to avoid saying anything untrue to your partner, as they will be able to detect any falsehood. If you lie, the matter may come back to embarrass you later.


It's possible to feel uneasy about the terms of a deal you've made and not be able to recall whether you promised something or not, or what the terms were. Be very careful in this situation.


Everyone is capable of a little romance, even those who are highly academic. The difference is that the romance exists in another dimension, or it's expressed differently.


If you enjoy playing with words and confusing people, you might be tempted to deceive your partner with a clever scheme.


One challenge you may face is a lack of talent for lying, no matter how hard you try. You may find yourself encouraged to make up stories or fabricate details, but the truth has a way of coming out.