
Today is all about diet and weight. You can give yourself the food you want. We often crave what we need. Listening to your body is important, especially when you're driving yourself crazy.


The best way for you to know you're on the right path, something you take seriously, is not to over-exercise, get enough rest, or eat too many salads.


You might feel underappreciated during these trying times. Reach out to others to ease that feeling. You don't need to demand appreciation for your work.


Your gift of vision usually serves you particularly well. To help maintain your natural sight, you can consume good sources of Vitamin A and Beta-carotene.


Exercise that you love is the best type of exercise. While you may not want to do the same thing every day, it can be helpful to stick to a schedule.


You may feel like indulgent today, but that is okay as long as there are things you can do to curb your cravings. For example, ice cream is a good choice.


The planet energies have been supportive in your emotional realm, but you may have gained weight over the past few months.


The aspect of each day allows you to take a moment to look inside. Whether or not this happens is entirely up to you.


Making someone beautiful may lead to health problems. Do you want to take your health and diet seriously? Your life will be shaped by what you put into your mouth.


Wishing for better health without taking action is not effective. Instead, focus on setting a goal and making a plan to achieve it. This will help you make progress.


Balancing your life can be a difficult task. It is time to reflect on how you balance your health. What is the balance of what your body eats?


You may find people who are sympathetic to your situation among your family and friends, but it's you that must listen.