
Trust your intuition. It is the voice in your head that knows how to move forward, despite the barrage of false or unverified information that others may present.


A significant shift occurs in the sky today. You can greatly benefit from it. The energy is changing, offering you an opportunity to start over with a clean slate.


You are on track with your goals, so keep moving in that direction. Don't be afraid of yourself. Even though you may encounter some challenges, this doesn't mean you should give up.


At the start of each day, your list of tasks gets reduced quickly as you complete your work faster and more effectively than ever before.


Performing a great deed for someone else will bring you great rewards today. You may find that the same person returns the favor.


Someone may be harsh towards you due to your frequent changes of mind. Don't let them affect you.


Your success or failure today will depend on your ability to understand the root of the problem. To solve it, it is necessary to break it down into smaller parts and examine each one individually.


Abundance surrounds you. It may be time to let go of old ideas and embrace new, abundant energy. Take your time and be decisive.


Someone with a powerful command of language may contest your perspective. This individual may seek attention, but that does not necessarily indicate that they are knowledgeable.


Friction can arise from any direction and will only increase with each passing day. This is a problem that affects others, not just you. Don't get angry with anyone.


You and your significant other may engage in a difficult interaction. While one person waits for the other to make a decision, the other is waiting for action to be taken.


You'll feel a strong connection with your coworkers, making it easier to form positive relationships at work.