
You are out of balance, and it is having an adverse effect on your job. Overindulgence or some other type of indulgence is keeping you from the place you should be in regarding your career. Let's take a look now.


The bubble in which you have been living has been burst by someone. You may have thought you were just enjoying your fantasies, but now the truth is out. It's time for you to evaluate your situation.


To move forward, it's important to look back. Only by evaluating your past can you be confident about your future. Even though it might seem like a waste of time, trust that it's the right decision.


Someone whom you have relied on for information has suddenly changed their mind. You need to take stock of the facts and try to piece them together again.


You may still be working towards an old objective or agreement that you made a while ago. It is important to realize that the beliefs you held back then may not be valid today.


Your dreams matter to you, and you're frustrated that they appear to be stuck. You may even feel like you're moving in the opposite direction.


You are a person who likes to strive for greater goals. However, you may currently feel like you're moving away from your goal instead of towards it.


The plans you have been working on have come to a halt, and now you need to figure out how to proceed. You need to let go and allow the unanticipated energy to flow.


You may be living in a fantasy world and feeling betrayed by your own fantasies, as you are not getting to where you desire. It's important to be patient.


The dreams that you have been chasing have suddenly taken a backseat to the practicalities of life. While it is okay to prioritize other matters, make sure not to lose sight of your dreams.


It appears that your plans are based on a dangerous misconception. It is becoming clear that what you believed to be true may actually be false.


You are able to understand current events but you still need to be fully connected with everything. Recognize that you are not fully aware of all aspects.