
Be open to new ideas. Today is a great day to achieve your career goals by learning and embracing the latest ideas in your field.


Even though you're not working, you may feel work-related tension. An internal tension may build throughout the day, but it's something you cannot prevent.


A person's promise is not trustworthy unless they are able to keep it. It is fine to want to believe in someone simply because you believe in them.


Write down all your ideas and thoughts before they disappear. You will experience lightning-fast flashes of insight. It's a good idea to have a pen and pad on hand at all times.


More than one person may try to show you how to perform your current job. Only listen to one person. This person probably doesn't have much knowledge about the things you're involved in.


There's friction everywhere you look, so it might feel like you don't have the right tools to make things work in your workplace. However, you are not to blame.


Be cautious not to step on others' toes. You may get into trouble with a coworker if you try to take charge and do what you think is right.


This is a very favorable time for you, as it is a time when you can make significant progress in any area you are currently working on.


Now is the time to look back at the past. You will gain valuable insight to help guide you through uncertain times.


Your creative mind is working overtime. You may make significant breakthroughs on a project that you've been working on.


Indecision is your greatest enemy right now. This is because you have too many options for information. The more you research and talk to people, the more confused you will become.


Your words and information will be more powerful today. Keep your secrets secret from others. You have valuable information, share it selectively with trusted people.