
The pace of the world is slowing down today, and this will continue for three more weeks. This is a time to focus on planning and gathering information, so you don't have to rush. Be patient and take your time.


Your mood is positive for the majority of the day, making it easy to smile and do your job. However, your mental preoccupation with a loved one is the only problem affecting your work today.


For the past three weeks, you may have noticed that your relations with colleagues have been quite aggressive and feisty.


Just because another person doesn't understand what you're saying doesn't mean they are wrong. For the next three weeks, relationships with colleagues may not be perfect.


It is not always important to have the final word. In the coming weeks, you may encounter conflicts with people who have different ideas. Take a moment to let others have the final word.


Your mood is currently very positive and upbeat. Even though people may attempt to change it, they will not be able to keep you from staying strong.


Your difficulties with other people will come to an end. Today marks the beginning of a three-week-long cycle that will make you feel closer to your coworkers.


The new and innovative side will emerge victorious, while those on the opposing side will remain stuck with old, antiquated ways of thinking.


You continue to run into the same people, finding yourself in unexpected places and meeting the same people over and over again. It is not a coincidence.


You will need to adjust your schedule to accommodate everything you want. You might find that something takes longer than expected, while another thing takes less time.


Someone will drop a lucky charm in your lap, and it will stay with you for three weeks. Today marks the beginning of a positive three-week cycle that will allow you to flourish, regardless of the day.


A voice in your head tells you that you may be in serious trouble. The trouble is due to a small white lie you shared two weeks ago. This lie may seem harmless at first, but it's starting to backfire.