
Today's planetary movements will bring you more challenges than you may feel capable of handling. Accept your strong emotions and embrace the chaos.


It's high time you started thinking about your health and how it can be an asset. Yoga is a wonderful way to help you improve in these areas.


Start checking in with yourself daily. It's okay not to know how you feel, so just ask. This is vital for your health.


Sometimes, your temper can be short, just when it is most needed. You don't need to judge yourself, but remain open-minded and allow your emotions to flow with quick, physical outbursts.


Today's planetary transit allows you to go in any direction you like. It's possible to feel like you're on top of the world. You may feel physically strong, but you may also wish that you were more attractive.


Your sensitive nature drives you to want the best for your family, and you feel a strong sense of love for your kids and loved ones.


If you take care of yourself and others, your heart will be in the right place. It's important to encourage yourself to exercise, eat healthy, and get plenty of sleep.


You can take advantage of today's transit, which provides an opportunity to focus on your own needs intensely. This is an excellent time for self-care, such as grooming.


Be careful not to overdo it today. This month, you're making sure to keep your health in check. Your health depends heavily on getting enough sleep and eating a healthy, balanced diet.


You might find yourself obsessing over something unimportant today. During this time, it's important to maintain good habits and prioritize your health. 


Love gives you the energy and motivation to live a full life, and it's important to love your body too. When you nurture your body, you'll be able to love others more.


You are shocked by all the violence in the world and need to find ways to soothe your mind. You can create a sanctuary by surrounding yourself with kindness and gentleness.